Moustache Transplantation

The moustache grown due to reasons such as climatic conditions, tradition, religious belief and personal desire in ancient times can be very important for men nowadays. The moustache which is one of the most important distinguishing features of men as well as the beard may grow sparsely due to different factors, may not grow at all. Since the moustache is a symbol for men; lack of it can cause some problems. The problem may be eliminated permanently with the moustache transplantation method.

What is the Moustache Transplantation?

The moustache transplantation is an application made by transplanting hair follicles to the upper lip area of the people who have hair loss at the upper lip zone or who have never had a moustache as a result of trauma. Thus, a permanent solution is created for sparse, lost or damaged facial hair on the upper lip area and the person attain the appearance which they would like to have.
The sparsity of the moustache may be based on the genetic reasons. Also, the moustaches may be reduced or lost completely due to some conditions (injury, burn and diseases such as ringworm that can affect hair follicles) that occur over time.

For Whom is the Moustache Transplantation Suitable?

The moustache transplantation is an application made under local anaesthesia. In the operation applied with the FUE technique, first of all, the hair follicles are collected from the donor area meticulously. In despite of how much hair follicles are required to be collected varies from person to person, generally, approximately 300-500 hair follicles are sufficient. The moustache transplantation operation is completed by transplanting of the hair follicles collected one by one and cleaned with a special method.

How is the Moustache Transplantation Performed?

The moustache transplantation may be applied to the people

Before Moustache Transplantation

Before the moustache transplantation operation, the patient is examined and is determined whether he is suitable for operation or not by performing some tests. With the information obtained, it is determined which technique should be applied, which donor area will be used and how many hair follicles are required. In cases where the patient wants more hair follicles to be transplanted in order to have more intensive moustaches, the information regarding that other follicles may not be transplanted in a healthy way and this will not be the right step definitely and the patient should be guided in a correct way.

Healing Process After Moustache Transplantation

After the moustache transplantation operation, the donor area is remained as bandaged for 3 days and the application area is left open. The area of the moustache transplantation should not be washed for 3 days. In approximately 10 days healing process, the scab occurs on the facial hair follicles. After washing at the end of 3rd day, the scab begins to fall slowly, and hair follicles the facial hair follicles are got better gradually. The shock fall may be experienced in 2-3 weeks after the moustache transplantation operation. This process is normal. The moustaches start to grow after 4 months, and it enters the normal course of growing after that.
If the person is beardless, a single operation may not be sufficient. In this case, A new operation can be performed approximately 8-9 months after the transplanted follicles are settled to their places.


Even if it is applied to the people over the age of 21, since the person should complete adolescence period and hormonal development, the assessment specific to person should be made.
The results are permanent with the moustaches growing after the shock fall.
Since the operation is made under local anaesthesia, the person does not feel pain or ache.
It is not possible to leave a trace in the hairy area where the follicle is taken.


  • Packages Starting From:
    Package Includes:
    7 night stay 1* Hotel DBL BBAirport – Hotel – Hospital VIP TransfersPost-operation Medicines, BandagesPersonal Assistance