

The road to motherhood can be long and complicated at times. We at Idelia Health assist couples in this challenging path to make their dream a reality with a high rate of success.

Idelia Health, as with any medical processes, provides couples with the most advanced reproductive health treatment alternatives. Services are available with unlimited care, high clinical experience, as well as the most up-to-date treatment methods, thanks to quality standards set in accordance with international criteria.

We work with a team of practitioners comprised of qualified physicians that strive for tailored treatment and discuss with patients to decide the best treatment option. Following the initial consultation, treatment options for infertility include ovulation induction (ovulation regulation), surgical intervention, intrauterine insemination (vaccination), or IVF-ICSI (in vitro fertilization). We also offer counselling services.

What Exactly is Infertility?

Infertility is defined as the absence of pregnancy at the end of a year despite unprotected and acceptable frequency of sexual intercourse. In one year, 85 percent of couples had a baby, and 93 percent had a baby in two years. The remaining group is infertile and requires assisted reproductive procedures. 15-20% of the population suffers with infertility.
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Causes of Infertility

With today’s technologies, 85-90 percent of infertile couples can identify the issue preventing pregnancy. Approximately 40% of them are female and 40% are male. All parameters in the remaining 20% group are normal; hence, in this group of couples, the current information is not handled by a reason. This is called “infertile inexplicable reason”.
Female age and female egg reserve are the most crucial factors influencing IVF treatment outcome. The number of eggs in the reservoir, particularly in women over the age of 38, begins to decline drastically; even in women over the age of 40, who had a baby before the chances of becoming Pregnant again fall to 30%. According to widely accepted criteria, the age to be able to get pregnant with treatment is regarded to be 45 years of age in women (with certain exceptions).

Some female conditions may necessitate surgery prior to IVF treatment, whereas other conditions can cause the treatment plan to change. For example, congenital or later acquired uterine problems can be surgically rectified before treatment begins, or if the woman is younger or older than expected based on the age of the ovarian reserve, treatment protocols and medication doses are altered accordingly.

Women-Based Causes

Male infertility is the sole cause of infertility in 30-40% of infertile couples. Women infertility is a concern in 10-15% of cases. Semen analysis is the most fundamental and essential stage in infertility research.

Methods of Treatment

We, at Idelia Health, strive to deliver the best treatments to our patients and collaborate with the leading doctors in the IVF field.
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Vaccination (Insemination)

Is the procedure of immediately inserting sperm into the uterus using unique methods shortly before the egg is cracked and then preparing to create 1-2 eggs using pills or needles. To do double vaccination, the woman must be under the age of 38 and have normal ovarian reserves, both tubes must be open, the uterus must be normal, and the man must have a certain number and mobility rate in the sperm test.

ICSI (Microinjection)

Embryos are generated in this method by inserting sperm into individual mature eggs. As a result, even men with a low sperm count can use this approach to conceive children. Another advantage of the microinjection procedure is that the mature eggs harvested are more fertilized than it is with IVF.

IVF (Classic Tube Baby)

It is the procedure of fertilizing eggs acquired from women in a laboratory under special conditions. The existence of a certain amount of live sperm is required for IVF. It is anticipated that a particular number of spermatozoa will be deposited in the same environment as each egg, and fertilization will occur naturally. It is now used less frequently in modern IVF clinics, and its success rates are lower than those of microinjection.

TESE Operation

The absence of sperm cells in a sperm analysis is referred to as “azoospermia.” When there is azoospermia due to canal blockage, simple aspiration methods can be employed to collect sperm. Microsurgical sperm search under the microscope is known as TESE in azoospermia where the canals are open. This anaesthetic process is more sensitive than numerous non-microscope biopsy methods. The success rate of finding sperm via observing the channels observed by microscopy is greater. Furthermore, the microTESE surgery has a low prevalence of problems in men.

Azoospermia can be caused by one of two factors

  1. Occlusion: In this scenario, there is no difficulty with male sperm production, despite a congestion induced by factors such as surgery or infection in the vaginal passage between the testis and the penis, or sperms cannot pass from the testicle to the penis due to a lack of congenital paths.
  2. Non-clogging: This is the most prevalent type of clogging. The problem is insufficient sperm production. It is also possible that the cause is hormonal, hereditary, or a past infection.

IVF Treatment Steps

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Assisted Hatching

It is the process of shaving and scraping the surrounding membrane to allow the embryo to adhere to the inner wall of the uterus. Implantation is thought to boost the rate of adhesion in some cases.

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

The embryos are biopsied on the third or fifth day of development, and the process of finding abnormal or disease-bearing embryos and transplanting double normal embryos is carried out. Couples who are carriers of a known genetic disease, repeated miscarriages, recurrent tube infant failure, and the discovery of embryo tissue type (HLA determination) for the treatment of a sibling with blood disease are considered based on advanced age. This procedure transfers embryos with healthy chromosomes to enhance the number of births.

Embryo Freezing, Storage and Thaw

Embryos can be frozen using sophisticated technologies at any point between the second and fifth days of development and preserved in -196-degree nitrogen. Following embryo transfer, the enhanced and strong embryos are preserved for use in the case a of sibling or treatment failure.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) occurs when the ovaries overreact to the medications utilized and fluid accumulates in the mother’s body. For such high-risk patients, modern IVF therapies involve particular pharmacological therapy protocols. Furthermore, all embryos created for the goal of preventing OHSS are frozen and kept for future transfer. Modern methods of freeze-thawing embryos eliminate this risk completely without compromising embryo quality.

Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy

Hysteroscopy, the procedure of examining the uterus using a lighted camera system, can reveal structural flaws of the uterus (curtain, double uterus), myomas, polyps, and adhesion (synechia), and therapies can be conducted concurrently. If the problem found prior to the IVF process is of uterine origin or if a diagnosis of recurrent tube infant is made, doing hysteroscopy may boost the success of the gynaecology surgery.

The procedure of visualizing the abdomen with a light camera system is known as laparoscopy. This approach is used for surgical treatment of ovarian cysts, opening of adhesions caused by surgeries, surgical treatment of fibroids located outside the uterus, and tube evaluation. In fact, practically all open procedures can now be performed by laparoscopy. In the case of “hydrosalpinx,” when the inside of the tubes is filled with liquid, which can adversely affect the success of the IVF, it is known that removal of the tubes via laparoscopic procedure may boost the success of the pregnancy.

Sperm Selection with IMSI and Double Fracture Method

The amount of mature eggs obtained from hundreds of sperm cells in a sample of sperm collected from males during IVF operations is selected and used. This decision is normally made based on the embryologist’s expertise. The IMSI approach provides more visual enlargement than traditional microscopes and a more accurate measurement of sperm structure. As a result, better, higher-quality sperm is available. In cases of severe male infertility, unexplained in vitro failure, and low-quality embryo development, this approach may aid in the selection of better-quality sperm.
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