Where to Get a Full Medical Check Up

If you are researching a hospital where to get a full medical check up, Idelia Health can help you. Idelia Health is a health tourism agency which can help you to find the most suitable hospital for a full medical check-up. You can get an affordable full medical check-up in Turkey. Get in touch with Idelia Health for more info about medical check-up in Turkey.

With a full medical check-up, which should be done annually, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases that may occur in the future are possible. Check-up should not be seen as an individual physician’s work, but as a teamwork composed of physicians from many branches.

What is Health Screening?

In the past, the check-up process was called a routine health screening. Check-up means much more than that nowadays. It includes a very comprehensive study, from genetic tests to all the diseases we have brought to date as a genetic heritage. Check-up should also be done individually. Everyone’s risks and genetic factors are different from each other. These are some of the factors that threaten your health. Risk calculations should be made individually, and a personalized program should be prepared by considering factors such as the patient’s age, gender, family history, and occupation.

Early diagnosis of some diseases is possible with the checkup procedure, and it should be performed once a year after the age of 35. Thus, early diagnosis and early treatment can begin and the chance of success and survival increases. We are trying to eliminate the possible complications that may occur in the body in advance and diagnose ongoing diseases.

full medical check up health screening

Post Covid Check Up

In people who have had Covid-19, a post covid check-up can also be done to determine the damage that the coronavirus can do to the body. In some people, it can cause serious heart damage and damage to the central nervous system. Here, these can be detected with a post covid check-up. Disease and post-vaccine antibody measurements can also be made in those who have not had Covid-19 as an infection and those who have asymptomatically.

Full Medical Check Up Includes

Regardless of what full medical check-up includes, all check-up programs begin with a detailed physical examination. Heart, lung, gastrointestinal system, skin and nervous system should be examined in detail with unique methods and tools. Heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and body temperature are measured and recorded. The next steps should be as follows depending on age.

Full Medical Check Up List

full medical check up list

In check-up programs under the age of 25, full medical check-up list includes complete blood count, complete urinalysis, fasting blood glucose measurement, kidney and liver function tests, hepatitis tests, cholesterol and other blood lipids measurement should be done. Heart radiography (electrocardiography) and chest x-ray should be taken, and the entire abdomen should be ultrasonographical examined. It is useful to measure thyroid and hormone measurements once during this period.

Dietitian counseling should be added to the program as it should be in every full medical check-up list. The results should be evaluated by the branch physician who manages the program, and the risks, if any, and the precautions to be taken should be explained to the patient. With the content of the check-up program, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, heart disease risks, anemia and allergies can be easily detected.

It is more important to examine heart diseases in the 25-45 age period. During this period, all lipid measurements should be made by expanding the full medical check-up list, and in addition to electrocardiography (ECG), the cardiovascular system should be evaluated in detail with exercise ECG (ECG made on the treadmill), echocardiography. Again, during this period, hemoglobinA1c test is added to fasting blood glucose measurements to search for hidden sugar. In women at this age group, gynecological examination and pap-smear test, breast examination and mammography over the age of 40 should be added. These are crucial for a full medical check-up list.

Oncology Check Up

A full medical check-up also includes cancer check-up. Cancer screening should dominate the program for men and women over the age of 45. For this, gynecological examination and pap-smear test, breast examination, mammography, and tumor markers to be requested according to the GP’s recommendation are added to the cancer check-up list.

In men over the age of 45, digital rectal examination and prostate specific antigen (PSA) measurements in the blood should be performed for prostate cancer and prostate diseases screening.

Again, men and women over the age of 45 should have a stool occult blood test once a year for gastrointestinal diseases.

At the last stage, the examination findings, all test results, and the opinions of the branch physicians are combined and analyzed, and all necessary information is shared with the patient. If all is well, the program ends with medical recommendations and explanation of preventive methods. If there are abnormal findings, the path to be followed is determined according to the person and the situation.

Contact Idelia Health for a full medical check up in Turkey. If you want to learn more about the full medical check up costs and detailed information about the full medical check up list, you can get in touch with Idelia Health for more information!