Natural-Looking Breast Enlargement 

After breast augmentation surgery, is it possible to have breasts that looks aesthetically pleasing at first glance? Will your breasts look natural? Yes, if you use the right technique and approach for breast enlargement, you can have natural-looking breasts that are proportional to your body. In this article, Health Tourism Agency – Idelia Health will answer your questions about breast enlargement operation and breast enlargement in Turkey. 

What factors affect breast enlargement operation 

The amount of breast tissue you have is a very important factor when planning a breast enlargement operation. The breast tissue in women with small breasts, the type, size and shape are important factors when considering the placement of the implant and it should be calculated very carefully. Each one needs to be planned very specifically. 

What type of breast implant should be used? 

Generally, most women with very little natural breast tissue are recommended silicone gel implants. Saline implants have natural undulations depending onto the inclination because fluid moves inside the implant and undulations (like water waves) can easily move inside the woman’s small breast tissue. It becomes very noticeable, especially when leaning forward or bending excessively. Since silicone gel is a denser liquid, these implants are less prone to fluctuation. 

How to place the breast implant?

Implants can be placed above or below the pectoralis muscle. Most plastic surgeons recommend submuscular placement for soft tissue and muscle coverage for women with less natural breast tissue. If saline implants are used, this placement reduces the chances of fluctuations appearing. 

What size should the breast implant be?

If the implant to be used is wider than the size of the natural breast, the implant is more likely to be visible. This is why during the examination and surgery planning, breast tissue width and rib cage width help to calculate the implant size that will give a natural breast appearance. Modest implants of body size usually give the most natural-looking results in women with minimal breast tissue. The larger the implant, the less likely it is to look natural. 

That’s why it’s so important to consider the breast implant recommendations your plastic surgeon will give you. Your plastic surgeon will recommend the most suitable size, shape, type, and placement. If you are considering getting a breast enlargement operation, Idelia Health can help you find the best breast enlargement surgeons in Turkey. 

Breast Enlargement Turkey 

Idelia Health can help you to find the best clinics for breast enlargement in Turkey. Breast Enlargement Surgery in Turkey can be done for affordable prices. You can find the cost of breast enlargement in Turkey breast augmentation in Turkey – and more information about breast enlargement in our website.