How Long Does a BBL Last?

It’s normal to ask “how long does a BBL last” before having a BBL surgery. BBL is a surgery that uses patient’s own fat taken from their body to augment the size and shape patients’ buttocks. BBL lasts for several years because own fat of the patient is used for the surgery. We expect 70% of the initial fat that is placed to the buttocks to enhance the size and will retain the shape for several years. That is if the patient carefully follows the instructions of their doctor during recovery.

30% or 40% of the initial fat that is used to enhance the size of the buttocks will be lost in time but it’s very normal. Because body sucks up the fat that is used in surgery. But the body also produces new fat cells in progress of time.

Check out our BBL in Turkey article to learn more about BBL operation. You can also get in touch with us, Idelia Health, for your questions about BBL operation. Idelia Health is a health tourism agency in Turkey and can help you to find the most suitable clinic or hospital to have Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in Turkey.

Do BBL Results Last Forever?

No, BBL results last for several years. Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is done by using the patient’s own fat. That’s why it’s natural and body can suck up 40% of the fat that is placed during surgery. But it’s a natural process of the body and it also regenerates new fat cells and it’ll compensate. How long does a BBL last? BBL results can last for 20-30 years but there is no certain deadline. It depends on the patient’s lifestyle. If you don’t gain weight expeditiously or lose weight expeditiously, you can maintain the results for several decades.

You can have the BBL Surgery Turkey to get the best BBL results for affordable prices. Get in touch with Idelia Health for Turkey BBL package and BBL in Turkey cost.

Is BBL Permanent?

It depends onto how carefully you treat your body. If you don’t treat your body well and go through quick weight changes, BBL won’t be permanent. But if you treat your body well, have a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, your BBL can last for 20-30 years or maybe more. You should consult your doctor what to do after BBL surgery to learn how long does a BBL last. You should follow your doctor’s instructions for the best results.

Will I Lose My BBL if I Workout?

If you start to workout too quickly, it may affect your BBL recovery process. Exercising before you’re ready and not following your doctor’s instructions would cause a bad result in fat transfer process. That’s why during recovery period after BBL, patients should wait until their body is ready to exercise. You should follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions about working-out and whether to continue your workout plan or not.

What Does a BBL Look Like After Years?

You may wonder “how will my butt look after BBL surgery in 5 or 10 years” before having the BBL operation. If you had a BBL in an expert clinic or hospital, your butt, after 5 years will look like its first year. Same beautiful shape will be maintained in the upcoming 5 years. If you don’t lose or gain weight expeditiously for 10 years, your butt after 10 years will have the same round and beautiful shape. You should consult your plastic surgeon how to maintain BBL results after 5 or 10 years to get more information.

What Age is Best for BBL?

Patients frequently ask is there an ideal age for Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. There is no upper age limit for BBL, but we consider between 25 and 35 is the best period to have BBL operation. The patient’s body between the age of 25 to 35 is optimal to have BBL operation. Because your body should have enough fat to remove and inject to your butt and it should be healthy. Between the ages of 25 to 35, human body should have enough fat to have a BBL operation.