Excimer Laser in Turkey

Excimer laser in Turkey is very popular among patients due to its effectiveness. Visual disorders affect the quality of life negatively, but it is possible to get rid of visual disorders with the Excimer laser treatment.

What is an Excimer Laser?

In case of visual impairment, it is inevitable to use glasses or lenses to see clearly. Although using lenses is easy for some of us, some of us find it painful and troublesome. There are many of us who cannot use their glasses because they sweat during hot days or because of the steam that is formed on the glasses during cold days. Moreover, with the use of masks as a part of our lives in the last two years, the use of glasses has become unbearable for many of us. Excimer laser in Turkey is the treatment that is used to reshape the cornea to fix visual disorders and enables us to get rid of glasses and contact lenses.

Excimer Laser Eye Surgery

Who is suitable for Excimer Laser Treatment? If the thickness and curvature of the outermost layer of the eye, cornea, is suitable for this surgery, it can be applied to patients who are over the age of 18 and whose eye number has not changed more than half a size in the last year. Myopia up to 8 to 10, hyperopia up to 5 and astigmatism up to 6 can be treated with this method. What is important here is the correct evaluation of the corneal structure, meticulous determination of the planned number and method.

The eye number of the patient that needs to be corrected is determined before Excimer Laser in Turkey operation. Then the eyelids and other parts of the eye are examined with a microscope. The topography map of the cornea is made, and the thickness and curvature of the cornea are examined. Following the examinations, defects that may impair the quality of vision are detected in the eye. The aim of the excimer laser treatment is to reshape the cornea and to reduce the visual defect. 

Excimer laser is applied only to the cornea, which is the outermost transparent part of the eye. It does not harm the surrounding tissues. After the procedure, the patient should rest. Eyes are not bandaged, but protective glasses should be worn. The patient rests their eyes in the rest room. Half an hour after the operation, eye control will be performed. Depending on which of the laser techniques is applied, after the procedure; There may be tearing and burning in the eyes from 2-3 hours to 1.2 days. After this period, the patient can return to his daily life.

Who is not Suitable for Excimer Laser Treatment?

It is not recommended to apply to pregnant patients or patients who have an uncontrolled disease that may affect wound healing, or have severe dryness in the eye, or have another eye disease. Apart from this, it is not recommended for patients who are under the age of 18 and whose eye numbers increase more than half in the last year.

After Excimer Laser Treatment

Water contact should be avoided, and make-up should be avoided for 5 days after the operation. Sunglasses are recommended for eye protection. Patients should avoid entering the pool for 2 weeks. Eyes should not be rubbed or scratched.

Excimer Laser Treatment Cost in Turkey

Excimer laser treatment cost in Turkey is much more affordable if you compare it to USA, UK, or other European countries. Turkish hospitals and clinics are experienced in Excimer Laser Treatment. Idelia Health – health tourism agency in Turkey – can help you find the most suitable hospital for you to have an Excimer Laser Treatment in Turkey.  Idelia Health only works with hospitals and clinics that have JCI European accreditation and use FDA approved equipment.

To learn Excimer laser treatment cost in Turkey and to get more information about Excimer Laser in Turkey and laser eye surgery in Turkey, you can contact Idelia Health.