Eye Lid Aesthetic

Blepharoplasty in Turkey

Eyelid aesthetics is a surgical operation performed for functional and primarily aesthetic purposes and is called blepharoplasty in the medical field. Bagging or sagging of the eyes and eyelids, which directly affects the facial expression, causes the person to look more tired and older.

In addition to the sagging of the eyelids, removing excess fat tissue from the lower or upper eyelids together with the skin and muscle is also described as eyelid aesthetics. Eyelid aesthetics, also known as blepharoplasty, is the most common facial rejuvenation procedure. This procedure applies to men and women who are fond of their beauty and skincare. With eyelid aesthetics performed well by a specialist doctor, the person gains a younger appearance.

These surgeries are performed for individuals who are unsatisfied with the structure of their eyes or those who have problems with their eyelids in terms of health. Many methods are used, such as degreasing, eyebrow lifting, and skin removal. The aim here is to achieve the best emotional satisfaction in terms of health and psychologically. Suppose the patient also needs eyebrow lifting in eyelid operations. In that case, When rope suspension or surgical eyebrow suspension, temple lift aesthetics and eyelid aesthetics are combined, the patient will obtain more satisfactory results.

Blepharoplasty surgery usually takes between 1 and 2 hours under local anaesthesia. First, incisions are made over the natural lines on the upper eyelids and just below the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. By entering through these incisions, the skin is separated, the fat tissue is corrected, and the excess skin tissue is removed.

The most common eyelid problem is drooping of the upper eyelid, known as “ptosis.” Usually, the upper eyelid covers the transparent layer (1-2 mm) of the eye (cornea) and the pigmented (iris) layer of the eye, which gives its colour to the eye, but it does not cover more than 1-2 mm, and the front of the pupil is always open. If it is more than 1-2 mm, this situation may require correction, called ptosis. You can have eyelid surgery to correct ptosis.

You can get in touch with us to have Blepharoplasty in Turkey. We are a health tourism agency that can help you get upper eyelid surgery in Turkey or lower eyelid surgery in Turkey at one of our contracted JCI accredited hospitals.


What Happens to Eyelids as You Age?

Due to ageing, the skin’s elasticity is lost, and sagging occurs. At the same time, reduction and thinning of bone and fat tissues occur. Eyelids have a very thin skin structure. Therefore, the eyelids are the areas most affected by ageing.

With ageing, sagging of the skin of the upper eyelids and accumulation on the eyelashes occur. This sagging skin may begin to obscure the visual field. At the same time, herniation in the fat tissues can cause the appearance of fullness. In the lower eyelids, there is also the appearance of sagging of the skin and bagging. The tear trough becomes evident. All these symptoms cause the patient to look tired and old. In addition, the drooping of the eyebrows with ageing can increase the drooping of the eyelids.

Some people may have structurally drooping and plump eyelids or under-eye bags at a young age. Anyone complaining about these images on the eyelids due to ageing or structurally is suitable for eyelid aesthetics. Dropped eyelids can affect one or both eyelids and can be hereditary, congenital, or develop later due to ageing, trauma, or nerve palsy. It can obstruct vision by closing the pupil. In severe cases, eyelids may obscure vision with head position, and manual raising of the eyelids may be necessary to restore vision.

Removal of excess eyelid skin can make you look younger. To get more information about blepharoplasty in Turkey, contact us now!

What is the Best Age for Eyelid Surgery?

There is no specific age range for eyelid surgery, but the majority of patients who apply with eyelid-related complaints are in the 40-50 age group and later.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia. Upper eyelid surgery takes about 45 minutes. Excess skin and fat are removed by entering the upper eyelid fold. Since the stitch will remain in the fold, the scar will not be visible.

The most common cause of droopy eyelids may be more than one. As we age, the muscles that lift the eyelids and keep them open weaken and begin to decrease under the force of gravity. The problem of droopy upper eyelids affects five per cent of the population. Since droopy eyelids can cause visual impairment, it can threaten the person’s vision and reduce their quality of life. In addition, the muscles that open the eyelids may sometimes be congenitally weak.

Droopy eyelids can be seen in one or both eyes. Some people have a slight sag in their eyes, while in others, drooping eyelids may go down to the level of the pupil. If the hanging experience is not advanced, the brain will recognize the condition and make an effort to raise the eyelid, even if the patient does not notice it.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery is performed with general anaesthesia or sedation. It takes about 1.5 hours. Excess oil and skin are removed by cutting from the bottom of the eyelashes; wrinkles and bags are smoothed out. The surgical scar is hidden at the bottom of the eyelash.

Lower eyelid aesthetic surgeries are performed under general anaesthesia. It takes an average of 1-1.5 hours, excess skin and fat tissue under the eyes are removed, and it is performed from the bottom of the eyelashes with a self-melting suture. After the operation, bruising and oedema can be observed, and the patient returns to social life in 7-10 days. Lower eyelid and upper eyelid operations can be performed simultaneously if needed. It is an operation that takes an average of 2-2.5 hours in the operating room environment with general anaesthesia. Again, oedema and bruising can be observed after the operation, and the patient returns to social life in 7-10 days. Since both the upper and lower eyelids are intervened, a serious rejuvenation effect after recovery is reflected in the facial expression.

Can Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty Be Done at the Same Time?

Upper and lower eyelid aesthetics can be performed at the same time. When necessary, adding brow lift surgery to these procedures ensures better results. For people who need it, the application of eyebrow lifting and ptosis (low lid) can be made simultaneously with the blepharoplasty method.

After Eyelid Surgery

The eyes do not need to be closed after surgery. Patients can continue their daily work. The stitches on the eyelid are removed in 4-5 days. Due to the thin skin of the eyelid, swelling and bruises may occur. On average, these swelling and bruises are gone in 7-10 days. Scars, on the other hand, fade within 3-6 months and become almost invisible.

What Are the Symptoms of Blepharoplasty?

As droopy eyelids can be a symptom of other serious health problems, they should be checked immediately.

When a person compares an old photo with the current photo, they can see the difference. In addition, the drooping upper eyelid limits the upper half of the visual field, which can interfere with vision if it covers the front of the pupil. Especially in children, if it prevents vision by closing the pupil, early surgery is vital for the continuation of vision development. Otherwise, amblyopia may develop in children. In other cases, treatment is not urgent. However, this will be decided by the ophthalmologist.

Congenital ptosis: It is caused by weakness in the muscle structure that lifts the upper eyelid. Congenital droopy eyelids cause amblyopia by closing the front of the pupil and negatively affecting vision development. In this case, the operation should be performed at a young age.

Ptosis seen in older patients occurs as a result of the separation of the muscle from the attachment site or thinning of the connective tissue holding the muscle. In adults, ptosis covers the upper half of the coloured part of the eye, causing an aesthetic defect. In addition, it restricts the upper part of the field of view, and the patient constantly raises his eyebrows to widen the field of vision by lifting the eyelids, which can cause complaints such as heaviness and pain in the forehead area.

How is Blepharoplasty Diagnosed?

An accurate diagnosis must be made to determine the appropriate treatment plan for ptosis. The examination should begin with a detailed medical history. Questions are asked about when and how the ptosis occurs and whether the patient has had previous eye surgery or trauma. Next, the presence of other diseases is investigated. Special tests or examinations may be ordered in cases where muscle or nerve disease is suspected.

Droopy Eyelid Treatment

Ptosis is a disease that can be treated surgically. Although there are various surgical techniques, three techniques are frequently used.

Shortening of eyelid muscles:

This technique is preferred when the eyelid muscles are working enough. In this technique, the levator muscles that lift the patient’s lid are shortened, or the muller muscles are strengthened.

Suspension technique:

In this technique, the patient’s eyelid is taped to the forehead with a subcutaneous artificial silicone or tendon. This technique is preferred when the eyelid muscles are weak. This technique is suitable for patients with congenital ptosis, palpebral nerve palsy, and patients who have undergone multiple ptosis surgery without adequate recovery.

The disadvantage of this technique is that the surgical side is less closed during blinking, and the eyelid remains slightly open during the first phase of sleep.

Since ptosis can cause lazy eyes in children, eye examinations should be followed frequently in such children. Ptosis occurs at or shortly after birth and is unilateral in 75 per cent of cases. Ptosis can range from mild to severe.

Blepharoplasty Cost in Turkey

Blepharoplasty cost in Turkey in 2022 starts from € 1.900 for upper eyelid surgery and € 1.900 for lower eyelid surgery. Our blepharoplasty in Turkey package includes 2-3 nights at a 4-star hotel, transfers between the airport, hotel and hospital, personal assistance and post-operation medicines, and other medical needs. You can contact us about the details of upper eyelid surgery costs in Turkey and lower eyelid surgery costs in Turkey.


Upper eyelid local / Lower eyelid general

Operation Duration

Upper lid 40-45 min / Lower lid 1-1.5 hours

Number of Operations

1 Operation

Full Recovery

Upper lid 5 days / Lower lid 7-10 days


Not necessary


There may be some swelling and bruising for the first 2 days after the surgery. Ice application is recommended for the first 2 days to reduce swelling and bruising. Swelling and bruises disappear on the 7th-10th days after the surgery.

Since knotted stitches are not used in the surgery, the stitches are easily removed on the 5th day and there is no pain when removing them.

After the operations planned and performed by aesthetic and plastic surgery specialists with a personalized approach, there are no scars.

Eyelid aesthetic surgeries are painless and comfortable operations that can be performed in 4 seasons.

After the surgery, pressure should not be applied to the eyes and the eyes should not be rubbed for 1 week. It is also important to protect the eyes and eye area from the sun for 3 months after the surgery.

Upper eyelid aesthetic surgery is a short-term and comfortable operation performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. Lower eyelid aesthetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-1.5 hours.

No. Eyelid surgeries are not painful.

You can usually return home the same day after the surgery.

When discharged, the eyes are not closed and bandages are not applied, only thin bands are applied to the eyelids so that they do not cover the eyes.

Since the aging process continues after the surgery, there may be changes in the eyelids over the years, but it never returns to the appearance before the surgery. Over time, clumps may occur in the upper eyelids and re-operation may be required. Lower eyelids usually do not require reoperation.









  • Packages Starting From:
    Package Includes:
    2-3 Nights 4* Hotel DBL BB
    Airport – Hotel – Hospital VIP Transfers
    Post-operation Medicines, Bandages